Top 5 Recent Kid Quotes
Here are five recent kid quotes I thought you'd enjoy.
5) My 3-year-old daughter, Isabella:
"Daddy, chili will make your heart clammy. It gives you a stomy ache."
4) Isabella:
"A pig is as sullen as a turtle."
3) Isabella:
"Daddy, I ate dinner instead of having a hissy fit."
2) Sometimes, it's what my 1-year-old son Johnny DOESN'T say:
When we accidentally left his blanky with a relative, we gave him what we thought was his "backup" blanky. Johnny promptly put that imposter in "timeout."
1) Isabella, after running head-first into a wall:
"Daddy, we need to move that wall!"
Labels: chilli, Isabella, Johnny, pig, sullen, timeout, turtle