Top 5 Recent Kid Quotes
Here are five recent kid quotes I thought you'd enjoy.
5) My 3-year-old daughter, Isabella:
"Daddy, chili will make your heart clammy. It gives you a stomy ache."
4) Isabella:
"A pig is as sullen as a turtle."
3) Isabella:
"Daddy, I ate dinner instead of having a hissy fit."
2) Sometimes, it's what my 1-year-old son Johnny DOESN'T say:
When we accidentally left his blanky with a relative, we gave him what we thought was his "backup" blanky. Johnny promptly put that imposter in "timeout."
1) Isabella, after running head-first into a wall:
"Daddy, we need to move that wall!"
Labels: chilli, Isabella, Johnny, pig, sullen, timeout, turtle
Hey just thought I'd let you know I enjoy your blog and I have a son named Johnny too. He makes his way into my blog on occassion also.
Hey, if you need help moving that wall, I'll bring some chili over and we can make an evening of it. :)
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